Assistant Director for Haas Employer Engagement
BA, English Literatures, UC San Diego
How did you get here?
I grew up in the Bay Area, with Berkeley in my backyard. After graduating from UC San Diego, (the furthest place away that was still within the state,) my career began in agency recruiting. I learned all about how businesses decide how to hire, and how talented individuals go about seeking their next role. Since then, I’ve continued to learn about recruiting from both ends of the spectrum- from small nonprofits to Big Tech. Throughout my time in Talent Acquisition, I’d begun to notice a common complaint: that companies weren’t reaching Top Talent first. This complaint led me to Higher Education because I believe in going to the root to solve a problem. My goal is always to help fix systemic problems like these, and to build fruitful relationships at every instance, for the greatest benefit of all. I’m excited about the opportunity to do so at UC Berkeley!
Who do you work with? What’s cool about your job?
I work with the thoughtful and well-versed Employer Relations Team at Berkeley Career Engagement! We work together to make sure that Employers and Students are on the same page when it comes time to transition from school life to work-life. What’s cool about my job is that I get to help facilitate partnerships that benefit folks on both sides of the table, using relationship-building and strategic thinking to do it!
What’s the best career advice anyone has given you?
Remember that learning doesn’t stop once you leave the classroom; no one person is an island; Say “Thank You” at every opportunity; “Luck happens where Opportunity meets Preparation!”